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The Secret Diary of a Seer

The secret Diary of a Seer will open up the glorious riches of our inheritance in Christ. The veil is torn and the fullness of our infinite God is available for us to discover with Him - there is so much to see!


Jane Schroeder invites us into her stories and adventures with God and the heavenly realms, the miraculous, angels and the cloud of witnesses, which have been part of her life from a young age. 


Jane is a fiery lover of Jesus, a prophetic seer whose intimate walk with God has led her into depths of the mysteries of YHVH and the realms of Heaven. Fuelled by her passion and desire for others to know His love, Jane walks God's sons and daughters into their destinies of kingship, dimensions of Heaven and eternal bliss. 


Enjoy the journey as God opens your eyes to see!


 Shalom Jane  


The Heart of God

Intimate Engagements

The Birth of A New Awakening

HEART OF GOD is a collection of writings from the authors, Marsha and Dale Brethour's journeys and encounters in heaven. These were birthed through intimacy with Father over a 6-year period (2014-2019). 

This book is completely inspired by Holy Spirit.


While there are a few reference to books and mentors, it has been birthed from a place of intimacy by Holy Spirit. As you fix your eyes upon Yeshua, you will be able to read the Heart of God from the place of His heart. From this place you will be drawn into your own encounters with the Father.


The message of the Heart of God is integral to our union with God. Within these pages, you will discover love, faith, heavenly encounters, eye-openers, words of encouragement, hope but most of all, an invitation to come into the Heart of God and to know Him.

By Marsha and Dale Brethour

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